
Thursday 12 July 2018

Come back my Rumi

Come back
My Soul,

How much longer
will you linger 
in the garden of deceit ?

I have sent you
a hundred messages

I have shown you
a hundred ways

Either you
never read them

or you
ignore my advice.

Come back
my soul,

do not waste time
with the cold-hearted

they do not know
your worth.

Why do you seek water
when you are the stream ?

Have you forgotten?
You are the king's falcon,

You are a ray
of the Beloved,

a divine wonder.....!

~ Rumi
From Rumi's Little Book of Life: The Garden of the Soul, the Heart, and the Spirit
Art by Rassouli

When love itself comes to kiss you, don't hold Rumi

When love itself
comes to kiss you,
don't hold back!

When the king
goes hunting, the forest smiles.
Now the king has become the place
and all the players, prey, bystander,
bow, arrow, hand and release.
does that feel?

Last night's dream
enters these open eyes.

When we die
and turn to dust, each particle will
be the whole.

You hear a mote whirl
taking form?

My music.  Love, calm,

The Friend has waded down
into existence,
gotten stuck, and 
will not be seen
again outside of

We sometimes make spiderwebs
of smoke and saliva, fragile thought -

Leave thinking to the one
who gave intelligence .

In silence
there is eloquence.

Stop weaving,
and watch how the pattern improves.

~ Rumi
from the soul of Rumi
translations by Coleman Barks