
Saturday 16 April 2011

"The broken ones are My darlings" Abu Saeed Abil Kheir ...

If you are seeking closeness to the Beloved,
love everyone.
Whether in their presence or absence,
see only their good.
If you want to be closer and refreshing as
the breath of the morning breeze,
like the sun have nothing but warmth and light
for everyone.

Beloved, show me the way of this prison.
Make me needless of both worlds.
Pray, erase from mind all
that is not You.
Have mercy Beloved,
though I am nothing but forgetfulness,
You are the essence of forgiveness.
Make me needless of all but You.

Drink from this heart now,
for all this loving it contains.
When you look for it again,
it will be dancing in the wind.

Let sorrowful longing dwell in your heart,
never give up, never losing hope.
The Beloved says, "The broken ones are My darlings".
Crush your heart, be broken.

~ Abu Saeed Abil Kheir ...

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