
Wednesday 20 July 2011

Don't go in the direction of darkness: Suns exist..! Rumi

Don't take a wooden sword into battle.
Go, find one of steel;
then march forward with joy.

The Beloved's protection is Truth's sword:
your time with him is worth as
much as the cup of life itself.

All the wise have said the same:
the one who knows him
is his mercy to His Lovers ..

with the beautiful one
makes you one of them.

Though you're rock or marble,
you'll become a jewel
when you reach the man of heart.

Plant the love
of the Beloved
within your spirit;

Don't give your heart to anything,
but the love of those
whose hearts are glad.

Don't go to the
neighborhood of despair:
there is hope.

Don't go
in the direction of darkness:
Suns exist..!

~ Rumi
(Companionship With the Beloved)
714-717, 721-724
(translated by Kabir Helminski and Camille Helminski)

Art by Rassouli

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