
Saturday 23 July 2011

The door has opened so there is no escape...! by Shams

The door has opened
so there's no escape.

I like unbelievers
because they
don't claim

The one who
claims to be
a friend
but is not
is full of

If someone comes
to someone else
he's one of
three sorts

either a disciple
or a companion
or a great one

Which sort are you ?
haven't you come to me ?

Everyone has
had a suffering
without cure.

Cure is this:
I do not suffer

The soul is
that form
which you
should be
at ease.

How can it
make you
suffer ?

When you see
something that
the heart
can't bear.

Why do
you put it there ?

The door has opened
so there is no escape...!

~ Shams

Art by Crowmanic

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