
Saturday 16 July 2011

From fragrant orchards, they are coming toward Fragrant orchards...! ~ Rumi

Little by little
from this world of being and nonbeing

The nonbeings are being gone
and the true beings are coming.

Loads of gold, or better yet,
the gold mines themselves
Are being given to the destitute!

The weak and tired ones
from the meadows of love
Are returning,
vital and in the best of health.

The souls of the pure of heart,
like beams of light from the sun,
Are coming down
from the sublime heights
To these lowlands…

Tenderness and Grace is their origin,
and so too,
Their destination.

From fragrant orchards,
they are coming toward
Fragrant orchards...!

~ Rumi

Art by Sonya Ki Tomlinson

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