
Thursday 7 July 2011

What a Beloved - what a Beloved we have....!!! ~ Kabir

What kind of Beloved would He be,
if He did not hear the bangles ring
on an ant’s wrist,
as they move the earth
in their sweet dance?

And what kind of Beloved would He be,
if a leaf’s prayer was
not as precious to creation
as the prayer His own song
sang from the glorious depth of his soul –
for us.

And what kind of Beloved would He be,
if the vote of millions in this world could sway Him
to change the divine law of love
that speaks so clearly with compassion’s elegant tongue,

saying, eternally saying:
"all are forgiven – moreover,
dears, no one has ever been guilty."

What kind of Beloved would He be
if He did not count the blinks of your eyes
and is in absolute awe of their movements?

What a Beloved -
what a Beloved we have....!!!

~ Kabir

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