
Wednesday 7 September 2011

We stood together hand in Rumi

We stood together hand in hand
in primordial time;
now at last, we are One again.

We are all of One soul,
struggling along one path,
and all drunk with the same wine.

From among the two worlds
we chose Love alone;
except for that Love,
there's nothing we adore.

What bitterness did
our souls suffer from separation!
At long last, we are free from separation.

A ray from the Sun came
in through an opening
and raised us up in dignity,
however low we were.

O Sunlight!
Don't withhold Your loving radiance
from us!
Aren't we sitting in the robes of your radiance?

By Your radiance
we are transformed into rubies;
it is because of You that we exist.

Dancing like particles before You;
in our yearning for You,
we abandon all our chains.

~ Rumi
From Divani Shamsi Tabrizi 1761

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