
Sunday 27 November 2011

My religion is to live through Rumi

My religion is
to live through Love:

a life created from my own
small mind and self
would be a disgrace.

The blade of Love cuts away
what covers the lover’s soul;
Love’s sword severs sins.

When the bodily grime is gone,
a shining moon appears:

Spirit’s moon in a wide-open sky.

I’ve beat this drum of Love
for so long, for you whom I adore,
singing: “My life depends upon my dying”

This keeps my body and soul alive.
I dream but I do not sleep.

The seagull fears no shipwreck.
Her feet love to touch the ocean..

~ Rumi 
Mathnawi VI, 4059-4064
Art by MeAlbena Vatcheva

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