
Monday 14 November 2011

There are different wells within your Hafiz

There are different wells 
within your heart. 
Some fill with each good rain, 
Others are far too deep for that. 

In one well
You have just a few precious cups of water,
That "Love" is literally something of yourself,
It can grow as slow as a diamond
If it is lost.

Your love
Should never be offered
to the mouth of a

Only to someone
Who has the valor and daring
To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife
Then weave them into a blanket
To protect you.

There are different wells within us.
Some fill with each good rain,
Others are far, far too deep
For that.

~ Hafez

1 comment:

  1. Te asteptam, My Little God :-)

    The one who have a good friend doesn't need any mirror. Rumi

    Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along. Rumi

    God writes the spiritual mysteries on our heart, where they wait silently for discovery. Maulana Rumi

    Oh, my friend all that you see of me is just a shell, and the rest belongs to love. Rumi

    Mi-a fost dor de poezia ta, cu vibratia ei magica.
    Ma gandeam, inainte sa te opresti, la faptul ca tot te vei opri candva, dar ca totusi ar fi minunat sa nu te opresti niciodata din scris.
    Ajunsesem la concluzia asta de ceva vreme: pentru ca o relatie frumoasa sa functioneze armonios, aceasta este una dintre putinele rotite care ar face-o mereu sa se "invarta": abordarea, in egala masura, a celor doua planuri.
    Asa ca sper sa nu te opresti din scris niciodata si mai ales indiferent ce va sa vina.
    Accepti aceasta regula?

    Mi-a placut mult poza postata pe 7.11.'11 ;) si da: indeed,
    Beloved has come!

    Love u, My Little God! :-)
