
Sunday 19 February 2012

Here, here is the Rumi

O you who've gone on pilgrimage 
where are you, where, oh where?
Here, here is the Beloved!

Oh come now, come, oh come!
Your friend, he is your neighbor,
he is next to your wall
You, erring in the desert
what air of love is this?

If you'd see the Beloved's
form without any form
You are the house, the master,
You are the Kaaba, you!...

Where is a bunch of roses,
if you would be this garden?
Where, one soul's pearly essence
when you're the Sea of God?

That's true--and yet your troubles
may turn to treasure rich
How sad that you yourself veil
the treasure that is yours!

~ Rumi
(Here is the Beloved!)
Ghazal (Ode) 648
Rumi, Diwan-i Sham-i Tabrizi
Translated by Annemarie Schimmel
Art by Alice Mason

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