
Sunday 3 June 2012

A Blessings for Eros

1 comment:

  1. May the words of love reach you
    and fluster your held self,
    The way a silhouette of breeze
    Excites a meadow.

    When you are touched,
    May it be the gentleness you desire,
    Your lover’s hands sending
    Each caress deep into your skin
    Like a discovering glance.

    May slow sequences of kisses discover your secret echoes.
    May your desire flow free and never be fettered
    By the thorn-chains
    Of old guilt or crippled touch.
    May you feel how your soul loves
    When your skin glows,
    And your eyes darken
    When promise ripens.

    In the gaze of your lover,
    May you see clearer
    In the mirror of your own being.

    May the silences be spaces
    where you can gather swiftly,
    At ease with all the subtle complexity.

    May you be able to listen
    To your lover’s heartbeat
    And think only of the joy

    You can awaken.
    May you be able
    To let yourself fall
    Into the ocean rhythm,

    Unfolding evermore
    Until you become
    One crest of wave,
    Rising into wild form

    Whose beauty will show
    In the graceful sweep
    Of its home-breaking.

    ~ John O'Donohue
