
Monday 17 September 2012

I love you more than the Sea, more than the Konstantin Balmont

I love you more than the Sea, 
more than the Heavens, more than Singing.

I love you longer than the days 
that have been given to me on the earth. 

Only you can set me on fire, 
like a star in solitary silence. 

You're a ship, 
that won't sink in dreams, nor in waves, nor in fog. 

I fell in love with you 
unexpectedly, suddenly, accidentally

I saw you, 
and my eyes expanded like a blind man's 

who saw the light and was dazzled 
how in the world are soldered sculptures 

and how excessively turquoise overflowed 
in the bottom of emeralds. 

I remember. 
After opening a book, you would slightly rustle the pages. 

I asked: 
"Is it good for ice to be refracted in the soul?" 

You eyes flashed towards me, 
but in a moment they softly gazed 

I love, 
and that love sings about love for my love.

~ Konstantin Balmont

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