
Saturday 17 November 2012

Exil and Rumi

You are not really a hunter, seeking Me,
instead you are My slave and lie at My feet.
You devise means to attain to My presence
but you are helpless either to leave or to seek Me.

The search for Me causes you anguish;
last night I heard your heavy sighs.

It is within My power to end your waiting,
to show you the Way and grant access.

So that you may be released from this whirlpool of time,
and may at last set foot on the treasure of union with Me,
but the sweetness and delights of the resting-place
are in proportion to the pain endured on the journey.

Only when you suffer the pangs and tribulations of exile
will you truly enjoy the homecoming.

~ Rumi
( Exil and Homecoming )

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