
Friday 3 January 2014

I only speak of the Sun because the Sun is my Rumi

I only speak of the Sun
because the Sun is my Master
I worship even the dust at His feet.

I am not a night-lover and do not praise sleep
I am the messenger of the Sun!

Secretly I will ask him
and pass the answers to you.

Like the Sun
I shine on those who are forsaken

I may look drunk and disheveled
but I speak the Truth.

Tear off the mask,
your face is glorious,

your heart may be cold as stone but
I will warm it with my raging fire.

No longer will I speak
of sunsets or rising Moons,

I will bring you love's wine
for I am born of the Sun
I am a King!

~ Rumi
Ghazal (Ode) 1621
Translated by Azima Melita Kolin
and Maryam Mafi
Rumi: Hidden Music
HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 2001
Art by Carol Bostan

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