
Friday 21 March 2014

Hoping that you will come back to Rumi

Someday our souls will be one and 
our union will be forever.

i know that everything I give you comes back to me.
So I give you my life , hoping that you will come back to me.

When I am silent,
I fall into a place where everything is music

Every leaf that grows will tell you...
What you sow ill bear fruit.
So if you have any sense my friend,
don't plant anything but LOVE

Wake up my heart! The world is passing by;
Life froths and flows by, free for the asking.
Don't sleep in your body, oblivious,
As the caravan of life goes by your house.

Someday our souls will be one and
our union will last forever.

I know that everything I give comes back to me.
So I give you my life, hopping that you will come back to me.

~ Rumi

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