Art thou the sun, or Venus, or the moon ? I don't know.
What dost Thou want from this bewildered madman ? I don't know.
In this court of Ineffability all is Gentleness and Harmony what plain art Thou, what meadow, what court ? I don't know.
Thy Face has made my spirit roses, violets, narcissus, and lilies; Thy Moon has illuminated my moon. What companion art Thou ? I don't know.
What a marvellous ocean within the heart, full of fish and shoreless ! I have never seen such an ocean, I do not know such fish.
The kingship of creatures is a tale, as insignificant as a kingcup no king do I know but that Subsistent King.
Marvellous, infinite Sun all of thy dustmotes are speaking ! Art Thou the Light of God's Essence? Art Thou God? I don't know.
Thy comeliness is burning the souls of a thousand Jacobs to cinders..
Oh Joseph of beauties, why art Thou in this well? I don't know.
Be silent! For you are a talebearer, you are drowned in constant change. At one moment you are hu, at another ha, at another ah I don't know.
I will be silent, for I am drunk from the spell that has overcome me.
I do not know selflessness and intoxication from awareness. I don't know.
~ Rumi Ghazal 1436 Translation by Professor William Chittick "The Sufi Path of Love" SUNY Press, Albany, 1983 |